• To say that he is great UX Architect is a BIG understatement. I can say for sure, that Michael is the best UX expert I've ever worked with.

    Sergeii L. - Full Stack Developer

  • It's very simple: Michael is brilliant. Hands down, he is the most capable Information Architect and UI designer I have worked with.

    Malcolm F. - VP of Marketing

  • Michael is a brilliant UI/UX designer but, even more, an extremely skilled and talented digital strategist.

    Bonnie P. - Director of UX and IA

  • Mike is a brilliant, charismatic UI and IA expert who can take the most complex concepts and break them down to digestible, comprehensible pieces.

    Seth L. - VP of Tech & Digital Services

  • If you need a big idea, a new approach, an unexpected solution, Michael is your guy. Come to think of it, if you need every little detail covered in a 100 page spec document, Michael is your guy too.

    Lisa M. - Creative Director


Toucha Toucha Toucha

Touch Me

presentation + performance at IxDA13 using an interactive app/article as the centerpiece of comparing standard touch-based input with simple “metagestures”

Delta Airlines

our team at Digitas redesigned most of Delta.com in 2 years

Delta relaunched its homepage and you know what They did a great job. It’s incredibly clean, very simple... (CrankyFlier.com)